v1.39/v1.40 + next release - Bug fix updates and factory patch updates + new node capabilities.

v1.39 was released on 27th April - featuring some bug fixes (pitch bend range restore final fix) and updates for node graph stability/efficiency, + making sure MIDI notes don’t cut out when the plugin editor window is opened during DAW playback.

v1.40 was release on the 22nd of May - some bug fixes related to automation parameter updating, and new per-voice versions of phaser/flanger effects with phase reset trigger inputs. Oscillator nodes now feature a F Hz output pin which tracks the oscillator pitch, including any modulations applied - this is quite useful to use in conjunction with the ring-mod or cross-fade node for example to control their built-in audio rate modulators.

Filters now include a pin to modulate the saturation slider remotely - it can be handy to have different amounts of saturation based on keyboard tracking for example.

Another big update of v1.40 is that most of the factory combi patches were updated with custom background image selection and macro knob assignments to useful sound control parameters - since every patch is unique this was quite a big task, but hopefully well worth it :)

Finally some minor tweaks to visuals with the graphical elements on edit panels having a more consistent dark grey background instead of solid black - easier on the eyes.

V1.41 is in preparation, some tweaks and minor fixes as usual, and a few updates to the comb filter node which make it much more flexible for use as a basis for plucked or bowed oscillators. Coming soon.