v1.35 and v1.36

Hyperion v1.36 is released - featuring a more intuitive layout for browser combi and single layer browser modes - directly opening the browser for loading to specific layers instead of the old 'audition mode' option. Loading into the combi layer replaces all layers - and you can optionally list single layer patches in that combi mode browser view and optionally keep the browser open, so that you can browse/audition all the sounds. The combi layer view features the big knob interface/layout of the patch player version of Hyperion which is coming soon ('Theia')- you have the option to select a custom background image from a built in list and customize the knobs layout (4X1 row, 3X2 and 4X2) and combi-layer macro names. This is a new feature added but does not mean that existing combis have been updated to include custom images and macro knob assignments - an updated patch set will be available later.

v1.35 was released a few weeks ago and was mainly a stability update.